
Do you have a question or a concern?

**KW Knitters’ Guild members can find the full Board member list and emails in the ‘Members Only‘ section.**

Reason for Contact?Contact Information
Interested in joining the GuildGo to JOIN US! and if that leaves you needing more information contact our Membership Co-ordinator.
Interested in speaking at a Guild meeting or running a virtual workshop for Guild members?Contact our Programming team.
Questions about the Knitters’ FairGo to KW Knitters’ Fair and if your questions aren’t answered then contact
Questions about the biennial Adjudicated show (June 9th, 2026)Go to Adjudicated Show and if that leaves you needing more information contact our Adjudicated Show Co-ordinator.
Donation of knitting supplies/yarns/books.We are a virtual guild and do not accept donations. Knit & Crochet clubs are happening at local schools.
Where can I donate knitted or crocheted items?Please see our Community Outreach page.
General Inquiry – I’m a memberPlease log in and see the Board list in the ‘Member Only‘ section for more contact information.
General Inquiry – I’m not a memberSend an email to and we will be in touch. Remember the KWKG is run by volunteers:)