Every second year, Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Guild (KWKG) members submit knitted or crocheted projects to be modelled in a fashion show after being adjudicated by a guest designer. A celebration of the diversity of members’ interests and creativity, the event showcases members’ talent and celebrates the crafts we enjoy.
Next Adjudicated Show is currently in the planning phase, we are very excited to be holding the show during the guild’s Fortieth Anniversary year. The next show will be held in June of 2026. Be sure to come back and visit this page as more information becomes available.

Thank you to our amazing Sponsors for donating prizes! These prizes went to winners in each category, door prizes (for in-person or pre-registered online guests), and swag bags!
Looking for information about a project you saw at the show? Here’s what we have! For some projects, there are Ravelry links for all the details. Or if you know the knitter, reach out to them, and make a new friend!
You can either download this powerpoint file, or view the slideshow online here.
And on our Flickr we have lots of pictures from the show itself! As always, lots of audience members were knitting, and from their faces we can tell they were impressed by the knitting!

If you have any questions or feedback about the show, please contact adjudicatedshow@kwkg.ca.
Prior Adjudicated Shows
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